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    #8   easynoob @ 08.06.08 21:56 [пожаловаться]   
Smells like teen spirit
    #10   [myheadache] @ 08.06.08 21:56 [пожаловаться]   
Nirvana - smells like teen spirit
З.Ы. 5 постов в 21:56 , без уличной магии не обошлось Shocked
    #18   Pac_Man @ 08.06.08 22:02 [пожаловаться]   
Золотое кольцо - Сокол
    #20   IamHeroKiller @ 08.06.08 22:06 [пожаловаться]   
    #21   IamHeroKiller @ 08.06.08 22:07 [пожаловаться]   
Patiently waitin & takin my time
Watchin these haters
Don't come with they rhymes
Watchin these suckers are mimickin, gimmickin
Then they start fallin off one at a time.
You can go search but you never could find,
I promise you derrty I'm one of a kind.
Mold is broken, the formulas mine.
I killed the idea and destroyed the design.
    #24   IamHeroKiller @ 08.06.08 22:12 [пожаловаться]   
Долго искал?
    #26   IamHeroKiller @ 08.06.08 22:15 [пожаловаться]   
Надо отгадать а не найти в поиковиках!!! Confused
    #29   trueHDR @ 08.06.08 22:19 [пожаловаться]   
People! Stop fighting!
Angels are crying
We can be better
Love is the answer

    #31   5kr1p7 @ 08.06.08 22:27 [пожаловаться]   
2 trueHDR: по Радио Рекорд крутят. Morandi - Angels
    #32   Alexandrik @ 08.06.08 22:29 [пожаловаться]   
Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know

#30 Rhapsody - Erians Mystical Rymes что-то вроде этого
    #38   Alexandrik @ 08.06.08 22:39 [пожаловаться]   
это сложно)

Ширoкa стрaнa рoдная, стережeт её кoнвoй,
Я нaд нeю прoлeтaю, кaк фaнeрa нaд Мoсквoй.
Пo зeмлe хoдите сaми, этo, Гoспoди, увoль
Я лeчу нa дeльтaплaнe, кaк нa бoингe кoрoль.
    #39   kEE @ 09.06.08 00:57 [пожаловаться]   
#33 30seconds to mars - i'll attack
    #42   kEE @ 09.06.08 01:02 [пожаловаться]   
I curse the day my dream became my descent
suddenly I long for you, my only love

    #43   kol9 @ 09.06.08 08:53 [пожаловаться]   
#42 Aleseana

But oh no, it's alright
Mr. Maker, he'll be fine
It's alright, it's OK
Because of the love he gave away
Oh yeah
Oh yeeeeeeeah
    #45   RedruM @ 09.06.08 09:01 [пожаловаться]   
What is this that stands before me?
Figure in black which points at me
Turn around quick, and start to run
Find out I'm the chosen one
Oh nooo!
    #46   kol9 @ 09.06.08 09:05 [пожаловаться]   
#45 проваливай, ты ничо не отгадал
    #48   f0x1qqq 4pp @ 09.06.08 10:15 [пожаловаться]   
Тууууу, туутууууу, туутуууутууууу... Туууу тууутуууу, туууутуууу туууу..
    #50   h4rdc0re @ 09.06.08 10:53 [пожаловаться]   
We're goin' down the road towards tiny cities made of ashes

Gonna hit you on the face gonna punch you in your

glasses. Oh no!

I just got a message that said "Yeah hell is freezin' over"

I Got a phone call from the Lord sayin' "Hey boy get a

sweater. Right now"

So we're drinkin' drinkin' drinkin' drinkin' coca-coca-cola

I can feel it rollin' right on down

Oh right on down my throat

And as we're headed down the road towards tiny cities

made of ashes

I'm gonna get dressed up in plastic gonna shake hands

with the masses. Oh no!

Does anybody know a way that a body could get away

Does anybody know a way

Were goin' down the road towards tiny cities made of ashes

I'm goin' to hit you on the face I'm goin' to punch you in your

glasses. Oh no!

I'm wearin' myself a t-shirt that says "The world is my ashtray"

Our hearts pump dust and our hairs all grey

And I just got a message sayin' that hell has frozen over

Got a phone call from the Lord sayin' "Hey boy get a

sweater. Right now!"

Does anybody know a way that a body could get away

Does anybody know a way

Were drinkin' drinkin' drinkin' drinkin' coca-coca-cola

I can feel it rollin' right on down oh right on down my throat

And as we're headed down the road towards tiny cities

made of ashes

I'm gonna lay down in the spa where they coat you

in molasses. Oh no!

Does anybody know a way that a body could get away

Does anybody know a way
    #51   kykorach @ 09.06.08 11:55 [пожаловаться]   
№1 U2?
    #53   bel1eveR @ 09.06.08 13:49 [пожаловаться]   
№15 зе бест
    #55   bel1eveR @ 09.06.08 13:58 [пожаловаться]   
#54 надо просто включить
    #56   Alexandrik @ 09.06.08 14:20 [пожаловаться]   
any #38 ?Smile
    #57   Smitko @ 09.06.08 14:34 [пожаловаться]   
It’s too bad that you
Have made mistakes
Too bad that I
Cannot relate
When all else fails
When all else fades
I kept my word through bitter days (Through bitter days)

Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised Shocked Confused Cool Laughing Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink Exclamation Question Idea Arrow

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