Author: Vassemann
Translated by Andrey “free1ancer” Zimin

Hi. Could you introduce yourself?
Hi. My name is Boris Lekontsev, I’ 19. I live in Krasnogorsk, play Warcraft in Gravitas Gaming.
Do you consider yourself a professional player or you still haven’t reached such conditions?
I think that a professional is someone who had sacrificed something to improve his own skills, so I think I may consider myself a professional player.
If it is not a secret, what did you have to sacrifice?
My studies.
How long did it take for you to advance from beginners to professionals?
Well I was advancing from a beginner to a not bad player for about a year.
For how long are you interested in the game?
For about four years altogether, with breaks and pauses.
Did you expect to join such a powerful organization when you entered NWRS?
No, to say the truth, I didn’t even though that everything could turn out that way. I just wanted to be in clan with my friends and play on a high level. But it appeared to be ten times better and I’m happy to be in Gravitas Gaming now.
Could you tell how things are going on inside the team, about the relationships between the players?
Well the atmosphere in the clan is great! We communicate with each other, train together and go to the cinemas and so on. All of the mates are good and friendly guys without any exceptions.
Your first serious team was evoplay. How were you invited and how did you like the time in that team?
When I was invited by the manager of evoplay the team was not so serious. I have a site of replays of my games, which the manager had found. After that I was invited. I spend there my best time in warcraft career I think. I gain shape there, so people could recognize me. The team was not strong, as there were no cool players. But I and my friend SDmK (PGS.PS.ShaDe) could defeat anyone without ant in our pants and panic, as we trained and played clanwars together. And we prompted and supported each other before the game to avoid mistakes.
Why did you decide to leave for NWRS?
The atmosphere in the team deteriorated, all the players had no motivation to play, except SDmK and me, after my summer trip back home, so we understood that it is time to find another team. This team appeared to be NWRS.
Speaking about motivation, how do you bear it?
In evoplay it was just a wish to win and get points for the team. Now, after the summer break, I’m once again interested in playing. Motivation in warcraft is very complicated. It could be supported by many factors.
How much time do you spend playing?
Well I can spend about 30 minutes watching replays or play ladder and customs all day long, it depends on my mood.
What place does the game take in your life if we’ll define prioritize?
Taking into account the fact that this game gives good income, it is on 2nd or 3rd place. After my private life, studies, friends, relatives.
Let’s speak about your life. Where and what do you study, do you do sports and how is it going in your private life?
I study in RUNF. I used to play basketball, but as soon as I moved to Moscow I’ve lost interest to this game. My private life is ok, I have a girlfriend, but she lives far away from me.
What do your relatives think about your pastime?
My mother, sister and close friends support me in my occupation and I like it a lot.
You play really good on different internet tournaments and not so good on LAN. How do you think, what is the problem?
My performance on the last two LAN-tournaments were really bad. But if to trace back my last internet events the results you see would be just the same. I played good both LAN and internet events, when I was on the edge.
Do you have any idols?
No, I don’t have any . But I like how Susira, FoV, SDmk play.
Today Undeads rarely show good results on the world scene. What do you think is the problem?
I think the problem is that Undeds stopped improvise and surprise their rivals with new strategies. I think everything will change soon.
Don’t you see the reason of Undead’s fails in balance?
Not without it. We can see misbalance in maps, not in match-ups. Well and the easiness of destructing acolytes add oil to the flame.
Would the world forget about wc3, with the release of the new part of Starcraft? What do you think? Are you going to change the game?
When wc3 was released none forgot about the 1st starcraft. And now nothing will change, I think. I’m not going to play SC2. wc3 would be the last point in my cybersport career.
Do you feel pity for the time spent on cybersport?

No. Why should I feel pity for the things that started long-long time ago and it is impossible to change anything?
And if you had an opportunity to rewind the time, would you change anything?
I wouldn’t start playing.
So do you see some minuses in your occupation?
Yes. You have to spend a lot of time to obtain something here. Just sitting you won’t play better.
What picks do you want to reach?
To defeat anyone and everybody. So, to be the best.
And for how long are you going to play?
Don’t know. Until I’m bored or till I stop growing.
Thank you for your answers. Let’s say good bye. Say something for the end.
Thank you for your interview. I’d like to give my best to my team – Titan, Frozen, Xyligan, Rob, Hot, Abb, Heart, Def, Zlom and my friend SDmK. And to all friends and warcrafters from Yarkutsk. I want to thank my girlfriend Galya for her support and just for being with me. Thanks to all of you for all those things you’ve done for me.